Trying to understand the world in 3D

I am a postdoctoral researcher at TU Graz. I earned my PhD with distinction under the expert guidance of Professors Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent Lepetit. My primary research interests revolve around the advancement of Deep Learning and Computer Vision techniques within the field of 3D Scene Understanding. More precisely, my work delves into the exciting possibilities of creating digital twins for indoor environments, with a specific emphasis on the intricate task of reconstructing 3D objects and structural elements in complex scenarios.

📜 News

[October 2023] 📢 We released our SCANnotateDataset that contains CAD model and pose annotations for objects in the ScanNet dataset.

[October 2023] 📢 Our HOC-Search was accepted at 3DV. Special thanks to my collaborators Stefan Ainetter, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent Lepetit.

[September 2023] I successfully defended my PhD thesis “Playing Proposal Selection Games in 3D Scene Understanding”. Special thanks to my supervisors Prof. Vincent Lepetit (ENPC ParisTech) and Prof. Friedrich Fraundorfer (TU Graz) and to my external reviewer and examiner Prof. Angela Dai (TU Munich). I am looking forward to the next chapter but more updates on that will follow soon! 🤘